Monday, April 15, 2013

What is reality?

What is reality?

Stop, sit down, take a deep breath and think.

Who are you?

What is this universe?

What is this thing we call “reality”?

According to Newtonian physics, we are a cog in the machine.
According to Quantum Mechanics, we are a fluctuation in the space /  time continuum.
What is interesting, is that we seem to be both.

So, what is reality?
What does it mean to be human? 
And are these different questions?
Yes they are.

In the trials and tribulations of our daily human connected strife, we loose sight of the fact that we are more than the components of our immediate lives. We seem to be the ghosts in the machine. 

And that, I believe, is a good thing.


"For first we use machines, then we wear machines, then we become machines."
Kim William Gordon

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